Spondylux Press is an award-winning independent neurodivergent publisher run by actually autistic professionals to support disabled authors and promote inclusion, creativity, sustainable living, future technology, and social change.

Based in London, with over 60 years combined publishing, design and media experience, we also offer personalised industry guidance, full editing and book design services to underrepresented/disabled writers.

Contact us if you would like help developing or producing your manuscript or book idea. We offer sensitivity and editing services, with honest, critical and creative feedback to get you on track, irrespective of whether you plan to submit to a publisher / agent or go the independent / self-publishing route. Contact us for costing, specific to your needs.

We offer freelance opportunities, from writing/editing to illustration and design, marketing/social media and admin. To apply for potential work, please contact us with details of your experience and/or skills. We accomodate individual needs and welcome all ability levels.

Would you, or an ND friend/relative, like to get some work experience in the publishing/media industry? Contact us to apply for a voluntary position working with us on short term basis - Email: editor@spondyluxpress.com